Three Men in a Boat Lechlade to London 17-24 July 2004 This is the page for our diary entries during the 2004 trip. We'll update (in theory) live from the river every day.

Monday, July 19, 2004

The Something's Head, Abingdon

Just limbering up for breakfast when Garyand Chris simultaneously concluded that the rank smell emanating from the front of the boat was not their feet but in fact the milk which got spilled in the stern yesterday. Took up the boards to find a veritable wash of milky water and budding cheeses floating around. Chris and Jon heroically mopped it all out while Gary made a culinary masterpiece involving omelette.
Tom Balm rang and promised to leave us sme more oars at Wallngford.
Set off and rowed up to Abingdon fairly slowly stopping periodically to bask in the sun. Met an old gent in a rowing boat who had skiffed with his Dad in the 40's.
Pulled in at the Something's Head for a pint; fabulous location with the Thames split into a couple of small streams right under the pub. Slightly rubbish pub though. Web updating while Chris and Gary go for supplies.
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